New young recruits are answering the call!; photo by war correspondent Boger — Victorious hunter over the Channel: Oberfeldwebel Adolf Glunz, Jagdgeschwader 26, receives congratulations from Oberstleutnant Priller; text by war correspondent Graewe, photos by Grawe as well — Four men under umbrella: flying Do217 under cloud cover; Bretagne; text by war correspondent Jacobsen; photos by Schall and Spieth — Glorious chapter of a Flak Division on the East Front; text by war correspondent P.W. Boehr, photos by Hoffmann, Mayer and Siedel — Two castles – Two prisons: Insell-Kuppe; text by war correspondent Serocka — What a soldier must know; text by Hauptmann Otto Brues — 20000 bottle corks in one day; text by war correspondent Walter Serocka, photos by Boger — The won bet; text by Wilhelm Schaefer — Article about Bretagne by Walter Serocka — Bunker-still life; photo by war correspondent Pauli — Major Kluemper (Kriegsmarine) received Knights Cross — General der Flieger Korten; photo by war correspondent Bankhardt — Photos from homeland