Short vacation at the house; photo by war correspondent Blaschka
German night-fighters; story by war correspondent Oskar Peter Brandt, photo by war correspondent Wanderer
Poem “Der Dom” by Uffz. Heinrich Landgrebe
War against churches and cathedrals. 133 German churches destroyed and 494 heavily damaged by allied bombings
German War Art in Muenchen: Wilhelm Sauter, Bruchsal: “L.M.G.”, Rudolf Lipus, Leipzig “Kaempfer”, Richard Schreiber, Duesseldorf “Mein Kommandant”, Richard Rudolph, Machern: “Kameraden”, Albrecht Kettler, Wuppertal: “Organization Todt”
The synchronized machine gun – German invention by Franz Schneider; story by Willy Strasny
Poem “Die Nachtwacht” by soldier Geo Stadler
Cruiser “Frobisher” sunk by U-Boot
Hauptmann Karl-Wilhelm Galland decorated after his 41st victory; photo by war correspondent Hagen