Luftflotte West 1943 07 02 nr 26 (PDF)




On cover: Major Priller giving a radio interview. On June 22nd 1943 he recorded his 90th aerial victory; photo by war correspondent Genzler

2000 times against England – a recon crew celebrating their latest successful mission; war correspondent Spieth

Guardians of Europe – recon mission over the western Mediterranean See; war correspondent Karlheinz Seiss

Aerial engineers of tomorrow – German youth in the aircraft industry; war correspondents Hebenstreit and Jacobs

Sardinia – Italian bastion of the West; Cagliari

How a front newspapers is made – printing Luftflotte West magazines; war correspondent Boger

Blood-less taming of a bull in Arles; war correspondent Schodl

Feldpostnummer 12000

Painting by Arthur Kampf; story by Walter Bloem — The unreadable letter – story by Aribert Wascher —- Vice-president Guglielmotti in Vienna —- Gaildorf im Kochertal