Enemy Plane Alert – Fliegeralarm! – Quickly is the end cap (die Muendungskappe) removed from the 88 gun; photo by war correspondent Boecker
Air duel over Azure: German Fw190 in bitter fighting over the Canal; text by war correspondent Rud. Meinhold, photos by Doelfs, Freytag, Meinhold and Speck
Deadly obstructions: four-engine bombers in deadly fire from German AA guns; text by war correspondents: Justus Krug and H. Schoenen, photos by Roess and Trapp, drawing by Moeller
Liebe Schwester – Dear Sister: an open letter to a Red Cross Nurse (DRK Schwester); Ilse Schulz and Greta Fock decorated with Iron Cross Second Class; photos by war correspondents Brauer, Eisenhart, Genzler, Roeder and Urbahns
Copernicus – Kopernikus: 400th anivversery of his death; Born in Thorn (Torun), studied in Krakau (Krakow), lived in Allenstein (Olsztyn), died in Frauenburg on 24th of May 1543
Man and his fate; text by Oberstleutnant Dr. Ellerbeck
Romantic village story; text by Ludwig Thoma
Dandy Heinrich; text by war correspondent Joergensen
Photo of fighting around Noworossijsk by war correspondent Pfeifer
Erwin Rommel
Photos from Danzig (Gdansk)