Luftflotte West 1942 05 15 nr 19 (PDF)



Ready to start; photo by war correspondent Lysiak — BV 141: the first asymmetrical plane in the world
Air duel over the Irishen Sea; German radio operator shots down his second Spitfire; text and photo by war correspondent Walter Roeder  They flew for England: photos of shot down pilots from different nations along with their destroyed planes; Ltn. Palmer from New Zeeland shot down on 26.04.1942; Serg. Brown from South Africa (Rhodesia) shot down on 28.4.1942; Obltn. Kolocynski from Poland shot down on 27.4.1942; Ltn. von der Stock from Holland shot down on 12.4.1942; Jack Francis Connelly (gunner) from Australia, shot down on 12.4.1942; Sergeant Watts from Australia, shot down on 10.4.1942; Russel from Australia; shot down on 12.4.1942; William Tricet from Australia, shot down on 28.4.1942
Flak in night combat
Comrade Stuka; text by war correspondent Rudolf Dietrich
Two poems
Herzenerlebnis des kleinen ANdreas; story by Wilhelm Pleyer
Lift and Liebe; text by Harald Rehm
Photo of the Luftwaffe soldiers entertaining small kittens; photo by war correspondent Bass
Photo of US battleship Tennessee
Oberfeldwebel Scholz receives German Cross in Gold; photo by war correspondent Spieth
Photos from homeland