28 pages —– Smaller format: 30.5x22cm or 12×8 3/4inches
Friedrich d. Grosse made by Joh. Eckstein, Schloss Monbijou, Berlin
— Quote by Theodor Koerner
— Falschirmjaeger communication crew on the front lines; photo by war correspondent Wahner
— Fighter-bombers FW 190 heavily engaged on the south front; Major Doerffel shortly before his heroic death; text by war correspondent Alfred Strobel, drawing by Major Datan, photos by Wiedmann, Rauchwetter and Strobel
— Italian torpedo planes against Giblartar; Hauptmann Marini and General Tessari, Hauptmann Petruzzi, Oberstleutnant I. G. Dietrich; photos by war correspondent Rauchwetter and Zimmermann
— German bomber crews in combat; Oberstleutnant Hallensleben, Oberleutnant Spadiut, Hauptman Geissler, Hauptmann Heid, Hauptmann Regler and Hauptman Lukesch; photos by war correspondent Wiedemann, Paulsen, Fischer, Preiss, Bruening and Uffz. Blumenthal
— Pictures of the week: Miliz, Ricci, Frhn. v. Richthofen, Oberst v. Veltheim, General Feurstein, Generalleutnant Heidrich, Major Pannwitz, DRK nurses Hanny and Geelinde with Major Petersson; photos by war correspondent Strobel, Doering, Dassler, Rauchwetter
— Der Zaunigel, text by Hermann Loens, drawings by Theo Scharf
— Ein Sommertag mit Dir, text by Juergen Brandt, drawings by Martin Guhl
— Feldmarschall Derfflinger, Immanuel Kant, Theodor Koerner
— Palladio
— New color film: Grossefreiheit with Hans Albers, Ilse Werner, Hans Soehnker
— Poem by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
18 pages —– Smaller format: 30.5x22cm or 12×8 3/4inches