Luftflotte Sued 1944 06 18 nr 31 (PDF)



34 pages
Ready for battle: Maximilian the last knight; wood art by Hans Burgkmair
Quote by Horaz
Large photo of the youngest German fighter pilot on the Italian front; photo by war correspondent Karl Bayer
Men contra bombers: young “hunters” on the South Front: Major Bennemann, Lt. Rupert Weninger, more pilots; photos by war correspondent Karl Bayer Luftwaffen-Lazarett – German air force hospital; Luftflottenarzt Oberstarzt Dr. Potthoff; photos by war correspondent Freytag, Bruening, Wiedemann
German A/A battery changing positions; Oberstleutnant Hohlbein; photos by war correspondent Freytag and Rauchwetter
Die Ausbauer; text by Helmut Bartsch, art by Fritz Koelle
Der Gliedermann und die Witwe; text by Rolf May, drawing by Martin Guhl
The blond girl; text by Otto Brues, drawing by Theo Scharf
Odysseus faehrt zur Weltausstellung; text by Karl Lerbs, drawings by W.E. Puerschel
The view from a window: German soldier artist depicts Italy, Uffz. G. Mueller
La Malcontenta; text by Werner v.d. Schulenburg, drawings by Graziano
Was die Geschichte lehrt…; text by Paolo D’Emilio
Dantes “Goettliche Komoedie” by Professor Dr. Friedrich Schneider, Jena
The art in Italy
Text and photos by Hans E. Friedrich
Der Schoenberg in der Schwalm
Poem by Bernd Isemann
Extra page: drawing of two women by Victor Friese