Luftflotte Sued 1944 05 28 nr 29 (PDF)



28 pages
Andreas Hofer by Kurt Stender
Quote by Schiller
A large photo of a German pilot before start; photo by Uffz. Blumenthal
Fighting in the region of Gaeta – Cassino; Kommandeur Major Ott; German pilots and their bombers; photos by Uffz. Blumenthal, Uffz. Kuhn and war correspondent Karl Bayer
Infantry training in Italy; Kommandeur Oberst v. Merhart and Major Kisters; text by war correspondent Bischhaus, photos by Karl Bayer and Bischhaus
Genius and deed by Carl von Clausewitz
Fisher’s girl Marita; text by Gitta v. Cetto, drawings by Kurt Stender
Small wooden House; text by Bertl Hayde
The wanderer from Wiedensahl; text by Moritz Wieprecht, drawings by W.E. Puerschel
Dorfrichter Helmer; text by Josef Kamp
Der geschickte Polizeileutnant; text by Paul Ernst, drawing by Helmut Georg
The ride to Heidelberg; text by Roland Betsch, drawings by Theo Scharf
The Buddha figurine riddle; text by A. Lueders, drawing by Graziano
Andreas Hofer, der Sandwirt
The art of Andrea Mantegna fallen victim to allied bombingsEremitani church in Padua; text by H.E. Friedrich, photos by war correspondent Freytag
Frescos by Mantegna; text by Adolf Philippi
Contemporary acts in the Haus der Deutschen Kunts (German Art House); Wilhelm Hempfing, Johann Schult, Ernst Zoberbier, Paul Mathias Padua
Humor, drawing by Hans Adolph
Large photo of youth riding on horses by Hein Gorny