28 pages
Ikarus by Fritz Reuter; Day of the Luftwaffe
Quote by Alfred Krupp
Der Geschuetzfuehrer (gun commander); photo by war correspondent Rauchwetter
Luftflotte in combat at Nettuno, Generalfeldmarschall Kesselring with Generalfeldmarschall Frhr. v. Richtofen; General der Flieger Ritter v. Pohl with Oberst I. G. Christ and Oberst Sigel, Fw 190 in attack; photos by war correspondent Wiedemann, Freytag and Bayer
The Flak fights at the Aprilia front; photos by war correspondent Freytag and Kohlroser
Recon planes over the Nettuno – Anzio front, photo of the Anzio port, Hauptmann Proll; text by war correspondent Oskar Peter Brandt, photos by Rauchwetter
Luftwaffe soldiers searching and controlling traffic in Italy, Obersleutnant Rosenkranz; photos by war correspondent Dassler
Vom Teufel Geholt; text by G.V. Otten, drawings by Ernst Harnisch
Sein Ruhm; text by Eugen Roth, drawing by Uffz. Stender
Kameradschaft, text by Hans Franck, drawing by Uffz. Stender
Napoleon – the man of the people, text by Joh. Sporschil, drawings by Charlet
Der Brunnen; text by H. Fuerstenberg, drawings by Fw. Landau
At the limits of stratosphere ; text by Karl Cornelius
The dream of flying; text by Hermann Kohl
Land and the people of Groedner-Tal, Professor Pitscheider; text and photos by war correspondent Ludwig Doering
Poem by Rudolf G. Binding