The Knight, Death and Devil by Albrecht Duerer — Quote by Adolf Hitler from November 8th, 1943 — Heavy Flak gun on the South Front; photo by war correspondent Luetzow — German fighter-pilot group hunts the enemy; General Buelowius, Hauptmann Baier, photo of German pilots and their black helper Piet, who used to drive for the British but now serves the German; photos by war correspondent Ritter — Mantua and Ferrara — Schuft and Strolch: two dogs serving with the German pilots; photos by war correspondent Wahner — German ladies posing with dresses and without — Homebound from Africa: German hospital ship Aquileia towed by tug boat Mars 9 heads for Marseille; soldiers from Hermann Goering division, Red Cross nurses; photos by war correspondent Reissmueller — Recon mission over the South Front: Ritterkreuztraeger Major Orlowski; photos by war correspondent Ritter and Bruening — Italian landscapes: Braccianosse, ROcca di Papa, Lago di Lecco, Monte Cavo; photos by Schreiber — Leutnant Prigges, story by Theodor Heinz Koehler, drawing by W. Preiss — Drawing by Luftwaffe Soldiers: Feldwebel Walter Preiss Lueneburg, Detlev v. Liliencron