Vol. 3 No. 4
Cover: Artwork by Sgt. John Clymer
Articles Inside:
Sound Off ….. Sidelights by Frank X. Tolbert ….. Tales from Okinawa – stories written by 2nd Lt. Diggory Venn, 2nd Lt. Milburn McCarty, Jr., Sergeants Murray Lewis, Harold T. Boian, William Boniface, Joseph P. Donahue, George R. Voigt, Bill Dvorak, Peter B. Germano, Ray Fitzpatrick and Frank Acosta, PFCs Scott Myers-Summers, Odell Griffith and Stanley R. Leppard ….. Trouble- Shooters ( Combat MPs ) by TSgt. Murray Lewis ….. “The Gripe” by Sgt Duane Decker ….. Gherkin “Heads” for Combat by Gunther Gherkin ( Sgt. Henry Felsen ) ….. A Medal For Tony ( Tony Duenas ) by Sgt. Stanley Fink ….. Hawaiian Rodeo by Sgt. Robert Wilton ….. Cruise of the “Sailing Bomb” ( Ammo Ship ) by Sgt. Harold Helfer ….. The Latest on V-12 by TSgt. James Hague ….. Characters we have met around the Pacific ….. Magnificent Mutt by Sgt. Duane Decker ….. and the BAND fought on – They evacuated wounded and toted ammunition in Okinawan Battle ( First Marine Division Band ) by SSgt. A. D. Hawkins ….. Rescue 60 Miles Off Nippon by Alfred E. Lewis ….. Marines Over Formosa by Lt. Hal Goodwin ….. We the Marines edited by Sgt. John Connor ….. Leatherneck Laffs ….. Peleliu Today ….. Leatherneck Pin-Up Girl – Evelyn Ankers ….. At Ease – News of the Entertainment World ….. One Man Team by Sgt. Henry Felsen
Okinawa Summary by SSgt. Ray Fitzpatrick
The Dope Sheet