IMPACT 1945 03 (PDF)




54 pages
Vol. 3 No. 3

Nazi AA rocket zooms between B-17 nacelles
7th AF libs leave Palau to hit Japanese on Luzon 

9th AF – smashing windup to the Ardennes Bulge battle was a costly experience for the Germans; fuel dump at Zell near Strasburg; Euskirchen, Dasburg, Schuadtheim
The recon planes confirm fighter claim
Night no longer protects the enemy; 155th photo Reconnaissance Squadron; town of Alstadt
Houffalize, St. Vith, Moselle River
Berlin; Germany’s last aviation gasoline plants
Various pictures: Kendari, Myebon, Burma, Gravenhorst; B-17 crash landed near Steinbourge, France
Paper bombs on Burma; Pak Nem Phau; Psychological bombing by AAF; leaflets, Monroe bombs
Bridge lessons from Italy; truss bridge near Orte, Narni, Perugia, Acquasparta, Rome, Orvieto, Ficuelle
“SNAFU Snatchers” – rescue experiences in the 13th Air Force; OA-10; Gibson Girl transmitter; 2nd Emergency Rescue Sqdn.
New bombing techniques – Shoran; Fidenza rail bride, Parma; Azon drop near Moerdyck rail bridge in Holland; Burma Pyinmana bridge, Taungup road | Japanese air power – the JAF is getting better but still can’t stand up to the American offensive
FEAF in the Philippines Campaign – another grand slam for the Kenney japbusters; Jumping from Leyte to Mindoro to Luzon, the FEAF now dominates the Philippines; General George C. Kenney, Colonel Samuel Sturgis
The FEAF turned Clark Field into a rubble heap
New targets for “The Jungle Air Force” – Nielson Field
Embattled Corregidor was an FEAF target – Lingayen, Cavite
It was all done by four “Snoopers’ – Lutong oil refinery