France Pays Tribute to 1st; General de Corps d’Armee Martial Valin decorated with the Croix de Guerre with Palm these officers: Brigadier Generals Bartlett Beaman, division chief of staff; William M. Gross, commanding general of the 1st Combat Bombardment Wing; Julius K. Lacey, commander of the 94th Combat Bombardment Wing, and Edward W. Anderson, 67th Fighter Wing chief — Captured flag presented to FIRST by ground troops; huge Nazi flag captured by 42nd “Rainbow” Division at Schweinfurt — Division photographs Oschersleben ruins (FW 190 aircraft plant) — Mickey bombing paid dividends — 163 men receive French awards; Division men decorated at impressive ceremony; Sergant Morgan F. Hickey of the 384th Bomb Group — All ground personnel to fly over Germany — 487th fighter sqdn cited for gallantry; Captains Henry M Stewart II, Raymond H. Littge from 487th Fighter Squadron decorated with Silver Stars for defending a Belgium airfield shown with Colonel William T. Halton — Redeployment training underway