Schweinfurt Damage Surveyed; plant Kugel-Fischer A.G. — Ball-bearing factories photographed at low level — 1st bomb Skoda plant in Czechoslovakiaa at Pilsen — Keep it under your hat — 1st Leaves mark on Nazi capital; drops 10,150 tons in 11 attacks (see list) — Use of rocket bombs revealed; first attack carried by 92nd Bomb Group at Ijmuiden, Holland (sub pens); inventor Captain Edward Terrell, R.N.V.R. with John B. Murray, RN, COlonel Anthony Q. Mustoe, COmbat Wing commander; Colonel C.S. Hough and James W. Wilson flew the mission — 43 attacks leveled Schweinfurt plants (photos) — Handkerchief helps land damaged plane; 1st Lt. James F. Lambright of 352nd Fighter Group after being attacked by Me 262s — Fighters destroyed more than 2200 E/A; 352nd tops division with 771-1/2 claims — Forced landing aids 8th’s intelligence: forced to land 1st Lt. Howard E. Nelson at an airfield east of Leipzig encounters U.S troops instead of Nazi