Damaged fresco of Christ which was caused by heavy allied bombing of Monte Cassino; photo by war correspondent Czirmiol
Patriarch Sergius
Direct hit on a soviet tank, the German tank gets closer to his now burning opponent; photo by war correspondent Dr. Kurt Pauli (Transocean-Europapress)
The historic air battle (11th of January 1944): the false American presentation of the battle (from Life magazine) and the German account of what really happened; story by war correspondent Ritterkreuztraeger Oberleutnant von Rettberg, drawing by Hempel(Europa Presse-Dienst)
Contested supply road at Witebsk: German attack artillery (Panzerwerfer) and grenadiers in fighting with the soviets; photos by war correspondents Dr. Kurt Pauli and Schefler
Generalfeldmarschall Model visits Hungarian soldiers at Stanislau; Generaloberst VItez Elder von Lokatos ; photos by war correspondent Otto Paul (Atl.)
The ground battle: typical German positions and troop placement on the East Front; photos by war correspondent Dieck (Wb.)
Close-combat specialists of German navy (Kriegsmarine): fast boats in England’s coastal waters attacking an allied convoy; drawings by war correspondent Friedel
German and Croatian troops fighting the underground resistance in the Balcans; SS-Polizeiverbaende; text and drawings by Hans Aslart
Ads: Boehler Edelstaehle, Kloeckner-Moeller, SKF F&S
Story by war correspondent Dr. Erich Lorenz
Four fast boats in 25 minutes: successful German engagement in the Canal, no-man’s-land between Belgian-French and English coasts; story by war correspondent Karl Feiden
50 hours lost in the green Sea; story by war correspondent Kurt Jeschko
After the battle – the ruins of Cassion; photos by war correspondents Enz and Girik
Allies supply ship sinks after hitting a rock somwhere in the Anzio-Nettuno arena
The enemy states: German scorched-earth tactic more that temporary problem
The map of London hangs on the wall: German bombers fly against England; text and photos by war correspondents Helmut Grosse and Martin Winkelmann
Last page color photo: Bulgarian recruits taking an oath; photo by war correspondent Ltn. Guenther Greiner