Color cover: One of many MG stands protecting the coast of Southern Europe; photo by war correspondent Gebauer — Paul Vories McNutt — Luftwaffe’s heavy mortar in position somewhere on the east Front; photo by war correspondent Uecker — Supplies for Annemarie – observation post on Kreta; text and photos by war correspondent Guenther Greiner — Somewhere on the east front German troops augmented by fast boats (Sausewind) neutralize a machine gun nest hidden in house ruins; photos by war correspondent Zwirner — Light and sound betray the enemy; text by war correspondent Friedrich Uecker — Luftwaffe’s positions – with MG 42 in combat; photos by war correspondent Uecker — Torpedo’s lunched from land! – somewhere on to coast of Biscayan German troops are testing torpedo lunched from a building; photos by war correspondent Haehle — Ship without a port of call – auxiliary cruiser Orion at sea; text by Kapitaen z. s. Weyher — India fights against England; text by Wolf Graf Baudissin — Bunker on Kreat; photos by war correspondent Guenther Greiner — Sizilien (Sicily); drawings by Karl Voester — Italians do not give up; coastal artillery; Vizeadmiral Barone; photos by war correspondent Brenner (Atl) and Italian war correspondents — Last page color photos: German recon plane on a mission over soviet territory; safely landed the plane is parked and camouflaged; photos by war correspondent Werner Spitta