Color cover photo: on all fronts the eye of the artillery, observation balloon, is watching the in the sky; photo by war correspondent B. B. Etzold — William M. Jeffers — German police ( Deutsche Polizei) in combat; Polizei-Kradmelder; photo by Polizei war correspondent Reng — Comrades in arms – German SS Police troops on all fronts; Oberst der Schutzpolizei Griese; photos by Polizei war correspondents zum Bansen, Kluge, Lenz — Flak at Kuban; photos by war correspondent A. Langl — Radio from the stratosphere; text and photos by war correspondent Josef Lagemann — Long recon flight over Spitsbergen; text and photos by war correspondent Dr. Erich Lorenz and Maximilian Kuenzner — Cossacks in German Army; Kubanka; photos by war correspondent Bohnen — Fighting at sea in the east and west; drawing by war correspondent Fritz Friedel — Story by Oberleutnant Poljakow — Convalesced German soldiers return to front; whole process showed in pictures; photos by war correspondent v. Koerber — Spaniards at Leningrad; Generalmajor Esteban with Blue Division; Martinez-Campos; photos by war correspondent Soennke — Spaniards at Mueggelsee; Spanish nurses — Last page cover photos: German troops helping to folks plow the field somewhere in Russia; evening in a village; photos by war correspondent Werner Spitta