4 times the size of South America – Battlefield Atlantic — Harold Ickes — Italian child Francesco Romeo from Grosseto was injured when handling unexploded allied ordnances — Invasion in Southern Europe or in Norway; drawings by Voester — Weather pilots in daily struggle with the weather; text and photos by war correspondents Maximilian Kuenzner and Dr. Erich Lorenz — In second thousand – the success of German Flak (A/A); photos of German anti-aircraft guns: 2cm, 3,7cm, 8,8cm, 10,5cm; photos by war correspondent Rheinlaender, Theyer, Hoess, Ruschke, Doege — Basics in tank design; text by war correspondent Gert Habedanck; examination of captured allied tanks: General Lee, Sherman (captured in Africa) and a British tank captured at Dieppe — No-man-land at Noworossijsk South — The horse village – so named by war correspondent Werner Spitta — From the battle of the fleets to convoy engagement; text by Kontradmiral Gadow; Dr. Burkert; drawings by W. Mehl — The last battleships combat – two years since the Hood sinking by Bismars; war correspondent Josef Lagemann — Murder under Soviet Star; story from the partisan fight in Serbia by war correspondent Dr. Kurt Pauli — F.G. Neptun — The Commander by war correspondent Clemens Laar — Johann Kattus — Italians survive Yankee-Fairness – air attack on Italian hospital ship — German and Finnish troops (Grenzjaeger); text and photos by war correspondent Dr. Erich Lorenz and Maximilian Kuenzner — Last page color photos: German destroyer receives fatalities after combat with allied planes; seamen being buried; photos by war correspondent Josef Lagemann