Luftwaffe solder carrying a bomb on his shoulder; photo by war correspondent Wanderer
Elmer Davis — Fighting Soviet bunkers on the woods south of Noworossijsk; photo by war correspondent Gert Habedanck — In the jungles of Noworossijsk; German Jaeger soldiers in action — Fighting for freedom of their lands – volunteers from occupied Soviet territories in combat; text by war correspondent Werner Spitta, drawings by Arlart — How far can U-Boat, Battleship, Airplane see?; text by Burkert, drawing by A. Mehl — An U-Boot taking up supplies from a mother-ship somewhere in the ocean; photos by Deutsche Wochenschau — Solid Front at Karelien; text by war correspondent Dr. Erich Lorenz and Maximilian Kunzner; drawing by Uffz. Bleidiek — Bombing Leningrad; General Rieckhoff; photos by war correspondent Schmidt, Zwirner, Jacobi — American’s Africa?! text by Herbert Koch —Ad from Jos. Schneider & Co., Optische Werke — Mercedes typing machines ad — The Commander by Clemens Laar — Auer Gasschutz ad — Between bombs and torpedo attacks – German destroyer in action; text and photos by war correspondent Josef Lagemann — Plane-carrying submarines — Rumanian comrades at Kuban ; photos by war correspondent Schuster — Bulgarian troops in Serbia; General Nicoloff; photos by war correspondent Guenter Greiner (Wbd.) — Last page cover photos: Bulgarian troops building and manning their positions; photos by war correspondent Guenter Greiner