Small group of German mine sweepers in action; photo by war correspondent Taureg — Sir Frederick Bowhill — German troops in mud and mire somewhere at Staraja Russa; photo by war correspondent Uecker (Wbd.) — The decrease in ship tonnage; text by Burket and drawings by Mehl — Staraja Russa; text and photos by war correspondent Friedrich Uecker — German engineers destroying various military targets while retreating on the East Front; photos by Deutsche Wochenschau — Flemish Spring at Leningrad; photos by SS war correspondent Raudies, Hilkenbach, Slapak — Kuban bridgehead; text and photos by war correspondent Leutnant Gert Habedanck — Luftwaffe personel convalescence resort in the mountains; photos by war correspondent Gunther Pilz — Luftwaffe’s war artists and their art; photos by war correspondent Morocutti — Die Bahrein-Inseln by Herbert Koch — Carl Zeiss Jena — Mercedes-Benz ad — The commander by war correspondent Clemens Laar — Efasit Puder — It happened between Charkow and Dnjepro; story by SS war correspondent Dr. Hermann Pirich; captured soviet order report of Gen. Lt. Rybalko, Gen. Maj. Melnikow, Gen. Maj. Nachmetjew — Why did I join the French Legion; soldier reading Le Petit Parisien newspaper; Oberfeldwebel Barbara; text by Albert Le Merrer, photos OT war correspondent Deskau (H.H.) — Last page cover photos: Tiger’s victim – an American tank burnt out after a direct hit; New Tiger tank camouflaged; photos by war correspondent Horst Zellmer