Cover page: German Africa Korps (DAK)soldiers resting with some Arabs in an Oases; photo by war correspondent Moosmueller
The sensational pilot: James H. Doolittle
At Toropez: German counterattack destroyed Soviet troops; photo by war correspondent Hermann
Stalingrad: my group was there; the soldiers give their accounts of this epic straggle; photos by war correspondents Herber and Eiermann; drawings by Arlart
It was about hours
German paratroopers (Fallschirmjaeger) first in Tunis; photos by war correspondent Habedanck and Pirath
Without pause, German troops fighting endless Soviet attacks in severe winter conditions; photos by war correspondent v.d. Becke, Hermann and Sepp Jaeger
German destroyer after combat on the north front; photos by war correspondent Froehlich and Langegger
Until the last bullet: Rumanian and Croatian troops at Stalingrad
Der Kommandeur by war correspondent Clemens Laar
So run MacArthur
Attack-ramming-sinking: Kapitaenleutnant Mohr tells the story with Dr. Paul Burkert
Giarabub – Italian film about fighting in Africa
Rommel’s 55 nurses; text by war correspondent Hurtmanns, photos by Valtingoyer
Tunis seen from above
Color photos on last page: winter in Africa compared to winter in Black Sea (ship G. Sirtori); photos by war correspondent Dr. Hans Feitl