Were it possible for all those who have a friendly interest in the Chemical Warfare Service to have seen Camp Sibert, this picture story would have been developed more elaborately. However, by recording the ordinary everyday activities of those in whom you are interested, instead of the spectacular, we believe you will have an exact picture of the camp as an unannounced visitor would see it. These “Scenes of Sibert” are the treasured memories which thousands of Chemical Warfare Service soldiers will take back to thousands of American cities and towns and villages. Camp Sibert is situated on a plateau-like clearing at the southern terminus of the historical Lookout Mountain chain. It was named in honor of Major General William L. Sibert, native of Gadsden, Alabama, veteran of two major wars, engineer on the Panama Canal construction and First Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service during World War I. Camp Sibert’s primary purpose is to develop those who train here into the best instructed and conditioned combat technicians in the world. Nor do we overlook the fact that most of our men have taken up arms as a necessity and not a career. Therefore during those hours which can be spared from training, every consideration has been given to his religious, intellectual and recreational needs. Camp Sibert may not be home, but on the whole, we, the wearers of the “Crossed Retorts,” are an integral part of the happiest, healthiest, best fed and clothed Army in the world. As part of that Army we likewise have one objective, complete victory over the Axis military machine. If this booklet conveys you to a better knowledge of how and where your soldier trains and eats and sleeps, the medical and dental care accorded him, and if, after VICTORY has been won, it will serve to recall in the remoteness of reminiscent years the friendships he made here, then the scenes through which you are about to pass will have deserved the title, “This is Camp Sibert.”