Camp Carson, Colorado (PDF)



36 pages
This pictorial record of Camp Carson is dedicated to the “Men of Carson,” stalwart soldiers highly trained to do their part in the war against the Axis. From the day in January, 1942, when ground was first broken on the camp site, the camp quickly grew on a stretch of rolling Colorado prairie hugging the Rocky mountains. Where cattle grazed and prairie dogs abounded, a city of army buildings sprang up. The new camp was appropriately named after Kit Carson, famous Indian fighter, who hunted and trapped almost on the very site of the camp. In May, 1942, the first camp commander and a group of cadre arrived. More soldiers came in June and on July 15, the old 89th division of World War I was reactivated. At Camp Carson, infantry, pack artillery, hospital and other units receive the best of military training to fit them for the job ahead. At the infirmaries and the huge station hospital they get the best of medical care. Their spiritual needs are met at the 14 chapels where men from every denomination worship. The camp chaplains not only guide them in their religious life but are their sympathetic counselors and friends. For recreation there are three Service clubs, six theaters and a field house. At the Service club the soldiers can relax with friends after a hard day’s work, or meet relatives visiting them at camp. There are three guest houses providing overnight accommodations for visitors. The latest Broadway and Hollywood hits are shown at the camp theaters and once a month a USO show, staged by professionals, is offered free to the military personnel. Lively basketball games of the camp league and other indoor athletics are held in the large field house. The 18 post exchanges offer personal items and refreshments at bargain prices. Six miles north of the camp is Colorado Springs, where three USO centers and two war recreation centers, generously supplied by the city of Colorado Springs, provide further recreational facilities. Pike’s peak and other beauty spots of the region add to the diversions available for the soldier on leave. Under wise and able leadership Camp Carson energetically and faithfully fulfills its mission in furnishing the best trained soldiers in the world for whatever duty may be theirs in the global conflict.