Number 320 ……. Cover: They stand together to defeat the Axis: Navy men in uniform and in overalls. The photograph shows a sailor watching a Charleston Navy Yard burner at work. ……. Articles Inside: ….. America Builds World’s Greatest Navy ….. They’re in the Navy, Too ….. Civilians Work Miracles of Ship Surgery ….. A ‘Ground Crew’ 93,000 Strong ….. Passing the Ammunition ….. The Story Behind ‘Battleship X’ ….. Who Are Civilians Who Work For Navy? ….. Ideas That Shorten the War ….. Winning ‘E’ Pennants, a Navy Tradition ….. The People Who Do the ‘Little’ Jobs ….. Woman’s Place Is in the Shop ….. Building Door-to-Door Invasions ….. Editorial ….. Letters to the Editor ….. The Month’s News ….. Communiques: The Official War at Sea ….. The Mysteries of Midway ….. Decorations and Citations ….. Training Tip of the Month ….. New Books in Ships’ Libraries ….. BuPers Bulletin Board ….. What Is Your Naval I.Q. ?