Number 311 ……. Cover: The front cover picture, full of the fine American faces of Naval recruits, was made at Corpus Christi. ……. Articles Inside: ….. Saga of a U. S. Battleship – Captain Gatch’s vessel sails deliberately into Jap trap, and blows it wide open ….. Commissions for Enlisted Men – Various methods outlined by which Reserve appointments may be made ….. Advancement and Changes in Rating ….. Convoy Gets Baptism of Fire – 4 days of heavy attack by subs in Mid-Atlantic test young sailors ….. The Part Carriers Played off North Africa – Artemus Gates speech at “Yorktown” launching reveals new type of operation in landings ….. Hornet Takes a Heavy Toll – Proad tradition of Service lives again as carrier stings enemy fleet ….. Guadalcanal Marines Relieved ….. Found Twice, Then Lost Again – Nine in disabled Yawl drift for 21 days before rescue comes ….. How It Feels To Be a Torpedo – Marine on submarine gets a suprise as “gun captain” ….. How the African Landing Was Effected – Report now reveals details of greatest operation of its kind ….. The Growth of the Merchant Marine – Operations in North Africa show clearly the strides of the service ….. The Versatile Hospital Corpsman – Because he does so many things, no one’s quite sure what he is ….. He Shared a Ditch With Japs – This wounded marine got out to tell his buddies about it ….. Proceed Orders are Clarified – Four days travel time given for each separate assignment ….. Planes Names Made Official – Military Aircraft Designations ….. Four Stripes on Her Sleeve – Superintendent of Navy nurses is first women to have captain’s rank ….. BEW ( Board of Economic Warfare ) Finds Axis Economy Still Strong – But Axis are past production peak and Japan has shipping weakness ….. Fighting Words For Navy Song – Composer of the original lyrics adds verses to ‘Anchor’s Aweigh’ ….. U. S. Bombs Catch a Japanese Ship in Solomons ….. Information Bulletin Chronomap ….. Getting Your Family Allowance? – Enlisted men are given details of prcedure for checking on the matter ….. Courses for Naval Personnel ….. How a Fighter Pilot Boards a Life Raft ….. New Uniform for Coast Guard ….. Casualty Figures ….. Marines Honor General Lejeune ….. Decorations and Citations: Carlson’s Raiders’ Cited – 15, including commanding officer and Lt. Col. Roosevelt decorated; Two entire Squadrons cited – all 84 pilots and aerial gunners decorated for heroism at Midway; Aleutian Defenders Decorated – 25 officers of Patwing 4, who fought against hopeless odds, gets awards ….. Navy Cross, DSM, Legion of Merit, Silver Star, DFC, Navy and Marine Corps Medal and Air Medal Recipients ….. Campaign Medals Regulations ….. Index for Fedruary 1943 Issue