Brief 1945 06 12 (PDF)


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Vol. 2 No. 28 ……. Cover: Ie Shima Orderly Room – Perhaps the most harried guy in the average Army outfit is the First Sergeant. Business goes on as usual for him even though his men are moving into enemy country. Here First Sgt. John Pavesick of a Service Group sets up his orderly room in a grove of pine trees on Ie Shima and starts banging out his morning report. Fortunately, one of the only comfortable things troops found in the Ryukyus was the climate. Lending support is the group’s mascot, Rum and Coke. Photo by Sgt. Fred Shelton. ……. Articles Inside: … Home by Pigboat – Within sight of Jap coast a sub and two Superdumbos battle Nips to rescue a sole survivor of a B-29 crash. By S/Sgt Bob Speer ….. Back in Action ( P-47s ) Photos by Sgt Louis J. Zacharias ….. Every damned island – Maj. Wilber Dehne has flown over every island in the Pacific, and chances are he will fly last mission over Japan. By Cpl. William Groppenbacher with photo by Pfc Soon Oak Lee ….. PX Geishas ( Making and the selling of Geisha dolls ) Photos by Cpl Harold Klee ….. Forward Echelon. Photos by Pfc Diego deArteaga, Cpl Harold Klee and Sgt Fred Shelton ….. Invasion Side Show ( Talent Show on troop transport ) Photos by Sgt Fred Shelton ….. Editorial – No Japs Wanted? ….. Shipwreck Special – Night-flying Superforts are planting tricky aerial mines, number two weapon against Japan’s industry, in her own backyard. By Pfc. Alan Hartman ….. One damned island after another. By Cpl. William Groppenbacher ….. Hottest Target ( Marcus Island ) ….. Servicemen in Sports ….. Sports Edited by Zander Hollander ….. Joy on Coogan’s Bluff ….. File 13 By Sgt. Roger Angell ….. Male Call “Bitter Glitter” by Milton Caniff ….. Grasshopper Plague ( L-5 Observation Planes on Okinawa ) Photos by Sgt Fred Shelton ….. Brief pinup – On this week’s back cover is another study in what the well undressed young lady will wear for swimming, or just generally beaching around. The model displaying the uniform – or being displayed by the uniform – is Miss Barbara Bates. In Universal’s Salome Where She Danced, Miss Bates appeared for 30 seconds. In her second picture, Night in Paradise, Miss Bates does a little better. For one minute and a half, Barbara is on detail at a king’s fishpond, washing goldfish – honest! Barbara loves goldfish. Goldfish love Barbara.