Brief 1945 05 01 (PDF)




Vol. 2 No. 22
Cover: The B-29 on this week’s cover is in trouble. Its number four engine feathered, the big bomber is making an emergency landing on an Iwo Jima airstrip after a mission over the Japanese mainland. AAF ground men at the sides of the runway are watching a scene that has become almost commonplace on the northern most AAF base in the Western Pacific. Superfort crews are becoming increasingly thankful for the capture of Iwo, at which they have made dozens of emergency landings after running into opposition or engine trouble over Japan, The number of ditchings has decreased sharply since Iwo was taken. Cpl. Nolan Patterson took the photo.

Articles Inside:

“Another Morning Alive” This Aircraft Warning outfit on Iwo got so they thought they were lucky to be alive. By Pfc. Alan Hartman

Ditch – or jump? – Some answers to the age-old AAF debate about the best way to escape from a stricken plane. By Cpl. Richard L. Dugan and photos by Pvt. Ray Turnbull

Forward Echelon. Photos by Pfc. John Modzelewski and Pfc. Diego deArteaga

Superfort Sidearms – Nobody knew how the Mustangs would fare over Japan. The results surprised even the optimists. Photos by Sgt. Julius J. Kupersmith

Editorial – A Little Too Soon

Seeing Eye – The B-29 photo lab is a 24-hour-a-day scoreboard that keeps track of the systematic destruction of Japan’s cities. Photos by Pfc. John Modzelewski

One damned island after another. Cpl. Richard L. Dugan ( Filling in for Nelson ) .

No White Gloves – MP’s on black and dusty Iwo had to give up formality, they had a dirty job to do. By S/Sgt. Robert Price and photo by Pfc. John Modzelewski

Servicemen in Sports

Sports Edited by Zander Hollander

Spring Offensive

File 13 By Sgt. Roger Angell

Male Call “Just Keep the Suit, Bub” by Milton Caniff

Once Upon a Beachhead ( Invasion beach now a place for relaxation ) Photo by Cpl. Bernard J. Gallagher

Brief pinup – Today’s class in weapons instruction is devoted to the bow and arrow. You will note, in the accompanying illustration that the weapon characterized by its gracefully curved shape. The weapon is flexible, but requires considerable force to bend. However, an expert who knows how to handle it will find it produces highly satisfactory results. The attachment shown here is known as an archer, female, and is not standard equipment except in Hollywood where this model was found. The archer female, is known as Miss Poni Adams and is one of several thousand gals who will, it is alleged, appear in Universal’s production of “Salome, Where She Danced.”