Vol. 2 No. 9 ……. Cover: When the moon is standing straight up over the Marianas, it’s almost a sure bet that the Japs will stage a raid. They come in over the islands aided by a moon that is bright enough to read by and their prime targets are the Superforts. Knowing that there may be little sleep ahead for them on bright nights, B-29 crewmembers stand guard over their own planes. Staff Photographer Lyle D. Strain made this cover shot of crewmember S.Sgt Chester R. Nicholson of Danville, Ind., on guard duty. The moon is high and the Sergeant actually is reading his book. ……. Articles Inside: … Head First Over Japan – A B-29 gunner tells the story of his own invention which saved his life when he was catapulted into space and hung unconcious, five miles over Nagoya. By Sgt. James R. Krantz ….. Eighty-Five and Up ( 7th AAF Liberators with 85 missions or more ) By S/Sgt. Frank Merrigan and photos by Sgt. Henry B. Krush ….. Bringing in the Bombers – Handling traffic on this combat airstrip, now one of the world’s busiest airports, takes the full-time attention of an expert crew of nine control tower men. ( Saipan ) By Cpl. Zander Hollander ….. Premature Patriot – An AAF officer did some cool slugging in preliminary bout to the Big Fight, World War II. By Pvt. Alan K. Hartman and photo by Cpl. Paul Friend ….. Bonins Rocket-Run By PFC Bud Nelson ….. Combat Crews Only. Photos by Cpl. Pierre Kobylinski ….. Topsy-Turvy ….. Jobs in Aviation? ….. Forward Echelon – Notes from the foxholes, bomb statistics and mission reports which detail, in part, AAFPOA’s war record from Oahu to Palau. ….. One damned island after another. By PFC Bud Nelson ….. Souvenir Season Closed ….. Sports Edited by Zander Hollander ….. File 13 By Cpl. Roger Angell ….. Male Call “Well, Slip My Cable” by Milton Caniff ….. Down-Under Diner By S/Sgt. Frank T. Merrigan ….. Brief pinup – The last time we saw a picture of the little lovely on the back cover, she was wearing a sweater which garment brought out many of the same fine points you see in this portrait. Her name is Daun Kennedy. She used to work in a Boeing aircraft plant, standing over a hot assembly line all day. One day a friend in the plant, probably a designer with a nice eye for streamlining and a drag in Hollywood, told a movie magnate about her. Now she has gone where all good little girls go in their dreams, into the films. Where she and you go in your dreams is nobody’s business but your own, Mac.