Brief 1945 01 23 (PDF)


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Vol. 2 No. 8 ……. Cover: This week’s cover picture shows Sgt R. L. Copeland, a member of Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 7th AAF, just after he received his pay on shipboard while the squadron was traveling to its new base Down Under. That expectant grin shows what hell Copeland intends to raise at a forthcoming poker game. This photograph was taken by 7th AAF Combat Camera Photog Sgt G. W. Holmes, who accompanied the outfit and recorded all phases of the move. For more pictures by Sgt Holmes about the Headquarters men’s journey and the fate of Sgt Copeland’s long green, see pages 10 and 11 of this issue. ……. Articles Inside: … “Allergic to Combat” – Air Transport Command fliers have spent years living down a phrase which was dreamed up in the early months of the war. By Pfc. Richard L. Dugan and photos by Cpl. Paul Friend ….. Prisoner in Thailand By S/Sgt. Paul Slocumb and photo by Pvt. Diego deArteaga ….. Heroes Don’t Win Wars By PFC Bud Nelson and photo by Sgt. Henry Krush ….. Escort in Reverse By Sgt. Robert O. Frederick ….. Scraps – Built from junked parts of a dozen Thunderbolts; but in action she beat the beat of them. By PFC Bud Nelson and photos by Cpl. Lyle D. Strain ….. Headquarters Moves Up Photos by Sgt. G. W. Holmes ….. Editorial – Campaign Stars – Fanatic Jap ….. Forward Echelon – Notes from the foxholes, bomb statistics and mission reports which detail, in part, AAFPOA’s war record from Oahu to Palau. Photos by Cpl. Lyle D. Strain ….. One damned island after another. By PFC Bud Nelson ….. Personals By Cpl. Steve Chiani ….. Sports Edited by Zander Hollander ….. File 13 By Cpl. Roger Angell ….. Male Call “Air-Ground Co-operation” by Milton Caniff ….. Rest Leave ….. Brief pinup – The bait in this fishnet is Miss Yvonne DeCarlo. When not engaged in sending her very best wishes to us guys in the Army Air Forces (who can use all the good wishes we get) Miss De C. occupies herself with being decorative in motion pictures produced in Hollywood, Calif., a suburb of the Philippines. The net in this picture, as any fool can plainly see, has been somewhat beaten and battered by land-based sharks stationed at the corner of Hollywood and Vine who were trying to get in for a sample bite of the bait. Here you see about as much of Yvonne in the flesh as you are likely to see.