Vol. XIV No. 12 ……. Cover: On our cover is the traditional December scene of a quartet of carolers, modified somewhat by a world spending Christmas at war. In this Christmas cheer section is some talent from the Boeing department of the Seattle War Industries Show. They are Robert Hopkins, guard; Elayne Vermillion, 441; Violet Shannon, matron; Murray Buchanan, 540; Norval Woodward, 814. The Christmas carolers’ portrait was taken by Vic Thompson. ……. Inside Articles: …
First B-29 Over Tokyo – The war on Tokyo itself started when this first B-29 cruised overhead on a history – making mission with a purpose deadlier than a stick of bombs.
Everybody Wants to Fly the Atlantic – Even if the international air conference had done nothing else, it provided an advance glimpse of tomorrow’s air world.
Twelve Days a German Prisoner By Lt. Vonnerlin Wernecke as told to Fred Hamann
Little Tough Guy – It took a tough little baby called the Boeing Kaydet to train the tough guys who fly Uncle Sam’s war planes. Wichita’s PT is America’s number one trainer.
First of the Quarter-Century Men ( 25 Years of Service )
Every Day is Moving Day It took a lot of figuring to put a plant through all the changes Renton has had, and still keep bombers moving out the door. By Al Hill
Take Care of Our Baby – Who says a B-17 isn’t human? The Eighth Bomber boys will tell you it has personality and character and how else could it have set the records it has?
United Natives – You’d be surprised how big a part the natives of China and India play in the B-29 program. Sometimes they want pay, too.
High Babes – 26 Orphan Babies flown to new homes in Chicoutimi on a Boeing 247
How I Learned to be a Gunner By Florence Teets
Was It Sabotage? – Presenting “The Case of the Mysterious Intruder”