Boeing NEWS 1944 02 (PDF)


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Vol. XIV No. 2 ……. Cover: Not even night can silence the thunder of Fortress engines on the warm-up apron at Boeing Field. The mechanics switch on floodlights and keep working. Here the lights reflect off the spinning props and all-silver surface of one of the first unpainted B-17s since the “No camouflage” order. Photo by Keith Kinsman ……. Inside Articles: …

The Briefing

Removed: One Jap Island by Lt. j.g. Gordon Williams

Buy, Borrow, or Build By Al Hill

It’s in the Cards By Margaret Young

Palace Pals

If We Were Germany

Die Dentistry By Helen Call

Case of the Precise Inspectors

On the Spot

Service Pins During January

Flaming Love

Show Girls

Schweinfurt Story