36 pages
Slashed from a site of pine forests, swamps, and farm land, the
Bainbridge Army Air Field was activated on June 15, 1942. From
a raw new military installation it has grown, in a little more than a
year, into one of the largest and most beautiful flying schools in the
Army Air Forces Southeast Training Center. The story of this field,
and other fields like it, is the story of flight training that is making
possible victory through air power.
The men who work and live here, cadets, the officers and enlisted
men responsible for their training, the mechanics who keep
them flying, are all working toward a common goal of victory.
Each succeeding class of cadets completing their training here, going
from here to advanced and tactical schools, and on to combat,
brings that goal nearer.
In the pages that follow you will see the field itself, the buildings,
planes, and some of the personnel at work and play. It is a
record in pictures of a small but vital segment of the Air Forces-men
preparing for combat.