Vol. III No. 1
20 pages
The Army in Europe by Walter Lippmann Also: Why Unconditional Surrender? by Allan Michie
Approximately every twelfth letter from ARMY TALKS’ readers winds up: “Why doesn’t somebody tell it to the people back home?” ARMY TALKS is a Restricted publication, which means that it neither can be quoted in the civilian press nor sent to other than military personnel. But the story is getting back. Walter Lippmann, author of U.S. FOREIGN POLICY and widely syndicated columnist, recently returned to the United States from a visit that covered the European battlefronts. ARMY TALKS has the privilege of publishing his report to the US … a remarkably clear picture of the accomplishment of the armies from in June to mid-December, and of the problems that face General Eisenhower in the follow through to final victory.
The defeat of Germany is certain. Even the Germans know it all except a hard core of fanatical Nazis. Then, why do the German leaders carry on the fight ? The answer can be summed up in two words: ANOTHER CHANCE! Another chance to build a strong Germany, to set up a powerful war machine to conquer the world. HOW DO THEY THINK THEY CAN WIN THAT CHANCE? 1. By fighting until we get tired of the fight. … 2. By fighting so that they can retire {from the field “with honor” and a German Army intact. … 3. By making complete victory so expensive that we will agree to a negotiated peace which would give Germany something to build on for the next try. … 4. By holding out until propaganda might undermine the Allies’ unity of purpose. The Nazis hope to “divide and conquer” us even in defeat. … 5. As a last resort, to carry on until there is a “break” in the German home front. They would then have a basis for another myth that “the German Army was never defeated.” What is meant by ” unconditional surrender? What does it mean in demands to be made on the Germans… in jobs that have to be done by Allied armies… pitfalls to be avoided during the months that follow the German collapse? Allan Michie’s article, “Why Unconditional Surrender?” explains these questions and shows what is involved.
Printed in Paris