Secret intelligence booklet for United States strategic air forces in Europe. 24 pages, published weekly.
Reports on the Japanese Air Force USSTAF Targets – A Portfolio of Ground Photos from Germany: Panther Tank Assembly Line at Hanover Me-262s destroyed in Obertraubling Me-109 assembly shop in Regensburg FW-190 Factory at Oschersleben V-I Plant at Fallersleben Volkswagen Plant Submarine Shops at Bremen 1st Division strikes Deschimag
Technical Intelligence – Japanese Suicide-Pilot Rocket Flying Bomb; Notes on Late German Aircraft Developments Baka Flying Bomb Details of the “248” Rocket Fighter Interrogation Notes on Several Arado Projects D0-335s Were in Production at Oberpfaffenhofen
German Flak Reports – Captured Documents Describe Batteries’ Action During Eight Air Force Attacks on Merseburg (Halle)
Hitler and the Weatherman
Notes on Japanese Fighers and Tactics