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From the Volturno to the Winter Line is a sequel to Salerno: American Operations from the Beaches to the Volturno. After Fifth Army, commanded by Lt. Gen. Mark W. Clark, had established the Salerno beachhead and captured Naples, it pushed the Germans northward across the Volturno River and into the mountain defenses of the Winter Line. The actions of the American VI Corps, which served as right flank of Fifth Army during the six weeks of this advance, are here narrated in detail. Closely related actions of the British 10 Corps, Fifth Army’s left flank, and of the British Eighth Army, operating on the Adriatic coast, are summarized briefly. ……….. This study is the fourth of a series called AMERICAN FORCES IN ACTION, designed exclusively for military personnel and primarily for wounded soldiers in hospitals to tell them the military story of the campaigns and battles in which they served.