
Coming Soon


The seizure of Guam in July-August 1944 added another base to our growing chain of possessions encircling the Japanese homeland. Marine troops made the initial landings on Guam and were aided in capturing the island by army units, comprised chiefly of the 77th Infantry Division. Guam tells the Army’s part of the campaign. This study is based upon a first narrative prepared in the field from military records and from notes and interviews recorded during the operation by S/Sgt. James M. Burns. The manuscript of this historical officer has been edited and partially rewritten with the help of additional documentation by Mrs. Marjorie Cline of the editorial staff of the Historical Division. Although in published form the book contains no documentation, the original manuscript, fully documented, is on file in the War Department. Two photographs (pp. 43 and 120) are International News Photos; four (pp. 59, 105, 115) are from the Bishop Museum on Oahu; seven (pp. 15, 21, 32, 33, 54, 69, 78) were taken by the U. S. Navy; one (p. 34) is from the U. S. Coast Guard; one (p. 44) was taken by the U. S. Marine Corps; two (pp. 15, 26) were supplied by the Air Transport Command, Overseas Technical Unit. The rest, unless otherwise stated in the captions, were taken by the U. S. Army Signal Corps. ……. See inside for Table of Contents, Illustrations, and List of Maps.