7th AAF BRIEF 1944 08 08 (PDF)




August 8, 1944     Vol. 1 No. 36    20 Pages

Articles in this issue:

Mariana Airdrome
By Robert Price – photos by Ray Turnbull

Anticlimax (Capture of Aslito Airfield)
By Sgt. W. L. Gatewood

“Well” is at Low Level
By Rex Gun – Pix by Friend

(S/Sgt. Wm. D. Italia, Lt. F. P. Jacobs, S/Sgt. C. B. Strout, Lt. S. M. Abrams, S/Sgt. J. L. Barnes, Lt. J. F. Snellgrove. Jr., M/Sgt. Ben Sehon, Pvt. Jack Kise, T/Sgt. William B. York, Cpl. Steele P. Rawlins, Cpl. Charles F. Stayeton, Sgt. Walter J. Jarmakowicz, Cpl. Howard D. Cummings, S/Sgt. Malcolm D. Sackett, T/Sgt. D. C. Krill, S/Sgt. George E. Law, S/Sgt. Charles Conklin, 1st Lt. Allen Davis, Jr., Lt. Eugene Hedges, Lt. Phillip Petree, S/Sgt. Joseph Wallace, T/Sgt. Thomas Ridings, Cpl. Richard Cosgrove, T/Sgt. Billy H. Earnhardt, Sgt. Roy W. Belau, Sgt. Richard C. Gerl, M/Sgt. Buford Davis, T/Sgt. Joe Cabaniss, Pvt. Andrew Petronchak, Sgt. Over J. Fry, T/Sgt. Miles Touchberry, Lt. Cobb,  S/Sgt. Kirchoff, S/Sgt. A. Y. Lester, T/Sgt. Oliver Koski, Lt. Opperman,   Admiral Nimitz, Lt. Gen Richardson, Maj. Gen Hale, Brig. Gen. Landon, Brig. Gen. Flood, and Col. Bywater, Capt. James S. Brown, Capt. G. W. Knight, 1st Lt. Folger Adam, Capt. L. D. Colley, 2nd Lt. Malcolm M. Knickerbocker)

The Return of Mu   Chapter XIII
A Serial by Louis Brechemin & Robert McEnery

Airforce Birthday (Gen. Henry H. Arnold)

Plush Thorns
By John W. Yolton

woodside . . . On Peacemaking

7th AAF War Record

     Fighters on Saipan (Maj. Harry E. McAfee)

     Suicide Tactics (S/Sgt. Errol L. Newberry, S/Sgt. John Myslisz, T/Sgt. Addison L. Harple, Sgt. Robert J. Black Jr.)

Ocean Trap at Nauru
By Rex Gunn

(Capt. Edwin L. Feist, Lt. Bert W. Hawkins, Lt. A. C. Terriera, T/Sgt. Mark Feay, S/Sgt. George J. Freeman, S/Sgt. Albert W. Kochy)

D-Day for Fighters
By Robert Price – photos by Ray Turnbull

(Maj. Harry McAfee, Lt. Col. McLean, Sgt. Frank Everwing)

Look at the Nice Swimming Pool
(Yvonne De Carlo)

Male Call
(Beachhead Feint)

By Milton Caniff

Chatter ‘n’ Patter
By Steve Chiani

     Snoopy Seemore Snitches (Cpl. Joe Molina, S/Sgt. Bert Bovero, Capt. Jacob Liebman, Sgt. Brannan, Sgt. Sherwood, M/Sgt. A. Kimbrell, Sgt. Coleman, Cpl. Brien, Cpl. Harris, Cpl. Agers, Capt. “Bob” Andersen)

     Bygone Daze Doings (Cpl. Joe Okin, T/Sgt. R. W. Smith, Pvt. John Caporale, Pfc Bill Merli, Cpl. “Jim” Aiken Jr., Pfc Arthur D. Olds, T/Sgt. E. C. O’Donoghue)

     Town Talk (Sgt. Sebastiano R. Ginseracusa, Lt. David K. Wolfe, Pvt. Floyd Hews, Pvt. Paul Kennedy, Pfc Jack Keen, Lt. J. P. Slivka, Cpl. Fred Darling, Pfc Ward Helmer)

     Waitin’ War Wives (Sgt. W. D. McMullen, Cpl. R. N. Reinhold, Sgt. John Storhaugen, Sgt. Joe Parachini, Sgt. Morris Wein, Pfc Bruce C. Owens, Pfc H. L. Cahill, Cpl. W. A. Allman)

     Tiny Tintype (Sgt. Joseph Normand Cardin, Prof. Wm. W. De Roin)

Mr. Muscle Man
(Cpl. Pierre Kobylinski )

Meet the People
M/Sgt. Robert S. Scola)

BRIEF Photo Page
(Lt. Col. Dee W. Rains, 1st Sgt. John Dirmauskas, M/Sgt. Glen N. Wheeler, T/Sgt. Bill Fey. T/5 James Barry, Pvt. Ted Stonchus, Pvt. Jack Maddox. Cpl. Leo J. Hornsby, Sgt. Harold L. Fuller, Pfc Zelton Cutrer, Pfc Vincent I. Cirlin, Pfc John Wernert, Pfc George Ferris and Pfc Francis A. Suster, T/Sgt. William Cumbie)

“No Fish”
Story & pix – Woodside-Godfrey
(S/Sgt. John Hurley, Sgt. Roy Beckett, Sgt. Homer Hughey, Sgt. Eddie Schwarts. S/Sgt. M. Rogstad, Sgt. William Tipton and Sgt. Michael Barnos, Sgt. Roy Bunt, Freeman Lang)

Down the Runway

(Vernon “Lefty” Gomez)

By Zander Hollander

(Bob Dillinger)

Full-Fledged Swimmers Now
BRIEF Photo by Godfrey

(1st Sgt. Joseph Carrie, Sgt. Thomas E. Penland Jr., Cpl. Charles S. Moore, Cpl. Floyd R. Cummings, Cpl. Lyle D. Sheldon, T/Sgt. John E. Hansen, Cpl. Will J. Foley, Cpl. William J. Tanis, Cpl. Robert L. Danielson, Sgt. Leon Belenky, Sgt. Clarence D. Holland Jr.)

Major League Banter
Doc Hyland of St. Louis)

Another Yankee
Charlie “Red” Ruffing, Bob Dillinger, Gerry Priddy, Ferris Fain, Joe DiMaggio, and Mike McCormick)

Boxing Head
Robert Rooe Simpson)

Servicemen in Sports
Johnny Tripson, Lt. Mark Hoskins, Johnny Sturm, Ralph Metcalf, Lt. Ike Kepford, Jim Bagby)

Boxing Jabs
Enrique Bolanos, Tony Olivera, Joe Baksi, Lee Q. Murray, Marcel Cerdan)

Fun with Ink

Sweethearts of the Seventh
(Lorraine Norton and S/Sgt. A. Fischer, Nan McIntosh and Sgt. Kenneth Taylor, Marlyce Swanson and Pvt. Gordon R. Swanson, Mrs. Laura F. Cottenham and Sgt. Wm. Cottenham, Mary Coloneri and Sgt. Sam Labate, Lenora Miller and Sgt. Milton Cohen, Mrs. Margaret Eileen Spellman and Lt. James Spellman, Donna Eller and Sgt. Elmer Lipp, Isabelle Thomas and Pfc K. L. Rodkey, Rose Tadaro and Pvt. Joseph A. Cirillo, Lillian Darab and Pfc John Bakhunas, Eleanor Kromkowska and Pfc Ray Jankowski, La Vergne Zellmer and Pfc Edward S. Kordowski, Mrs. Neva Dlabaj and S/Sgt. Charles Dlabaj, Mrs. Rae Briscoe and Martin L. Briscoe, Mrs. Josephine Koltz and Pvt. Mitchell Koltz, Mrs. M. W. Pettit and Lt Malcolm W.. Pettit, Doris Mason and M/Sgt. Harvey M. Reeves, Anna Freese and Pvt. William H. Freese, Florence Burton and Pvt. Rubin Gould, A. M. Henricks and Cpl. Fred G. Redmond, Mrs. Lee Harper and Pvt. Richard I . Harper, MAXINE Lois Dyball and Cpl. Keith E. DeMerritt, Shirley B. Streicher and Pfc Joseph B. Horowitz, Mrs. Frank Kulaszewski and Cpl. Frank Kulaszewski, Alice Humbertson and Cpl. Howard R. Andrews, Mrs. Henry W. Abshire and Sgt. Henry W. Abshire, Charlitte Dworkin and Sgt. Harry W. Dworkin.

This Week’s BRIEF Girl – Acquanetta