7th AAF BRIEF 1944 06 13 (PDF)


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Vol. 1 No. 28 ……. Articles inside this issue: ….. Air Corps Hostess ( Miss Charlotte Linne, Miss Richardson, and Mrs. Connolly ) ….. Tub’s Tub – Being the inner thoughts and feelings of a B-25. ….. The Return of Mu – A Serial by Louis Brechemin & Robert McEnery, Chapter V ….. Provost Marshal by Louis Brechemin, Photos by Strain ….. Editorial – You Are Not Forgotton ….. Letters to the Editor ….. Micronesian Village by Rex B. Gunn, photos by Friend ….. BRIEF Photo Pages ….. Male Call by Milton Caniff ….. Babs and “Ready Teddy” Crew ( Barbara Stanwyck and B-24 Liberator Crew ) ….. 7th AAF War Record, Day by Day ….. Out of the Night ….. Sports by Zander Hollander ….. Fun with Ink ….. Sweethearts of the Seventh ….. This Week’s BRIEF Girl – Veronica Lake