7th AAF BRIEF 1944 05 30 (PDF)




Vol. 1 No. 26             20 pages

Articles inside this issue:

The Story of the 7th AAF Bomber Command
By Louis Brechemin (11 Page Article)
Epic of a great and brilliant organization performing more than its part in the Pacific battle; the Bomber Command of the 7th AAF and the first two years of its meteoric history.
     The Battle of Midway
     The Strikes Against Wake
     The Gilbert Islands Campaign
Photos by Strain
(Brig Gen Truman H. Landon, Brig Gen Laverne G. Saunders, Brig Gen Howard K. Ramey, Maj. Gen. William E. Lynd, Maj. Gen. Clarence L. Tinker, Maj. Gen. Willis H. Hale)

The Return of Mu
A Serial by Louis Brechemin & Robert McEnery, Chapter III
Illustrations by Robert B. Muir

Lest We Forget

In Memory
Maj. Gen. Clarence J. Tinker

By E. Simms Campbell

BRIEF, official publication of the 7th AAF. produced under the direction of It Col Howard B. Simpson. Special Service Officer, is published every Tuesday by and for the personnel of the 7th AAF. BRIEF, in addition to serving as a morale and orientation publication, strives to acquaint the men with the accomplishments of the 7th AAF. Opinions so expressed are those of the individual writer and are not to be construed as representing the policy of either the Army Air Forces or the War Department. Stories, features, pictures and other material may be reproduced providing credit line reads, 7th AAF BRIEF. BRIEF has been reviewed by USA military censors and may be mailed provided no markings or writing appears therein.

Good Ship “Glenna Bee”
(Capt. Thomas M. Esmond, T.Sgt. E. W. Erickson, Lt. Robert C. Arnold, T.Sgt. Robert Copeland, Sgt. William Todd, Sgt. James K. Holland, T.Sgt. Dexter Emmons)

7th AAF War Record, Day by Day
Day by Day (May 5, to May 13)

“Ball of Fire” (Story of a B-24 and crew)
(1st Lt. Wilber E. Dehne, 1st Lt. Verne S. Allen, 1st Lt. Wm. E. Pfadt, 1st Lt. Clarence C. Humphries, T.Sgt. Don G. Baker, S.Sgt. A. L. Law, S.Sgt. Thomas R. Wing, S.Sgt. Charles A. Tripp)

BRIEF Photo Page
School Squadron
Photo by Hartman
Basketball Award
(Cpl. Douglas Kirby, Brig Gen Robert W. Douglass. Jr., Maj. William G. Lopez)
Tarawa Branch Saks Fifth Ave.
Engine Change
(S.Sgt. Allen Eyer, Pfc Vernon Ford, Cpl. William Davis)
(Pfc M. W. DuCasse)
Hula Dancers
BRIEF photo, by Turnbull

Tigers Beat Fliers
(Ed Funk, Ted Shaw, Joe Gedizius, Jimmy Ashworth, Jim Hill, Al Ceriello, Ernie Kohlmeyer, Hugh Casey)

Hagen in Again
(Walter Hagen)

Briefly in Sports
(Johnny Vander Meer, Hal White, Joe Mitchell, Harold Paulicci, Lou Oshins, Branch Rickey, Earle Meadows)

Cauliflower Alley
(Jack Dempsey, Jack Kearns, Willie Pep, Frankie Rubino, Aaron Perry, Tuffy Cummings, Lou Nova, Don Broillard)

Veteran Coach Note in Service
(Frank Leahy)

Fun with Ink (Cartoons)

Sweethearts of the Seventh
(Evelyn Ruth Morales, Pvt. Raoul M. Morales, Norma Witt, Pvt. Fred Linney, Esther L. Smith, Pvt. Karl W. Goodbread, Deliah Patterson, S.Sgt. Marshall D. Patterson, Frances Sizemore, Pfc James C. Sizemore, Virginia Genegrasso, Pfc Vincent C. Genegrasso, Rita V. Lash, Pfc Avery C. Lash, Beryl Raines, Cpl. William Raines, Mrs. Albert Meeker, Cpl. Albert Meeker, Jacque E. Carpenter, Roy E. Harbison, Dorothy B. Lieberman, 1st Lt. Howard D. Lieberman, Norma Bruni, Cpl. Earl H. Perkins, Eleanor Thomas, Pfc. Robert Cooper, Elsie Briddle, Sgt. Claude Briddle, Mildred McElroy, Cpl. Walter McElroy, Walter Douglas Nigreville, T.Sgt. Walter Nigreville, Fay Munden, Cpl. George Cooper, Mildred Mudrak, Sgt. Herbert F. Wolfe, Mrs. H. J. Dombroski, Cpl. Henry J. Dombroski, Raymond L Fragosa, Raymond A. Fragosa, Ruby Coffion, Sgt. Orley Petersen, Phyllis Babcock, Pvt. Frederick R. Fenton, Lorraine Macklin, Cpl. Wm. R. Macklin, June Hess,  Cpl. Frank Hess,  ROSEMARY Camerlengo, Harry J. Hewitt, Anna Zimmerman, Cpl. Charles Zimmerman, Coral Yates, Pvt. Ronald Yates, Mrs. Chester Kozlowski, Cpl. Charles Kozlowski)

This Week’s BRIEF Girl – Ann Sothern

Aircraft Nose Art:
     Blondie’s Vengeance
     Little Joe
     Tail Wind