28 pages
The Victor done by Michelangelo
Large photo of a German bomber crew by war correspondent Doering
The Flak in daily combat; commanding officer of a Flak regiment Oberst Sonnenberg; drawing by Major Datan, photos by war correspondents Karl Bayer, Luben and Gross
A fight for just world: Adlof Hitler
The lead pilot of the oldest transport squadron tells the story; text by war correspondent Wilhelm Zimmermann; photos by Bruening and Rheinlaender Stabshelferin – female headquarter’s staff; story by Rosmarie Pierer
The Italian trader; painting by Hans Holbein d. J.
The conspiracy in Florence; story by Friedrich Schiller and drawings by Walter Preis
Lorenzo the practical by August Buck
Giotto’s Campanile in Florenz; by Jacob Burckhardt
Art by Josef Thorak and Auguste Rodin