60 pages
Printed by P. Linden, Printer of the Court, in Luxembourg
Directed and Edited by:
Art – John S. Allen and Harold E. T. Goodmann
Editorial – Julian L. Marwell and Gerard J. Moloney
Production – Julian L. Marwell
Editorial Contributors
W.O. Harvey S. Blythe
1st Lt. Charles A. Chapin
T/5 Jack Dezelick
T/5 Harold E.T. Goodmann
Capt. Albert N. Hieronymus
Capt. William C. Klatte
Cpl. Desmond F. Leahy
M/Sgt. Donald O. Malone
T/4 Gerard J. Moloney
W.O. Raymond Morrison
Lt. Frank J. Ray
Pvt. Bert A. Sinker
Follow us through…
Ack Ack, Pyle Style
The Dedication
The Introduction
Our US Growing Pains
With a Map to Help
High Seas and Low Spirits
To the Land of Spam
Where is Bournemouthe?
D Plus 6
Our French Junket
The Gates to Paradise
Their Location
No Fraternization
The Nazis Strategically Retreat