82nd Airborne Division
Nickname: All American. . Shoulder Patch: Red square containing blue circle that bears letters “A A” denoting All American Division; tab, or arc over square is blue with Airborne in white. . Division Song: “The All American Soldier,” words by Sergeant Sigman, published by Koff & Jones. . History: Formed as infantry division during last war, members coming from Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. The 82nd gave to military history famed Sgt. Alvin C. York. Combat included Toul, Marbache and St. Mihiel. . Training: Reactivated: 25 March, 1942, at Camp Claiborne, Louisiana, IV Corps. From 2 October, 1942, under Second Army, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Left this country, April, 1943, for Casablanca. . Commanding Generals: Maj. Gen (now Gen. and head of Veterans Adm.) Omar N. Bradley, March to June, 1942; Maj. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, June, 1942, to August, 1944; Maj. Gen. James M. Gavin, August, 1944, to present. . Component Units: (As of April, 1943) 325th Glider Infantry Regiment; 504th and 505th Parachute Infantry Regiments; 319th and 320th Glider FA Regiments; 376th and 456th Parachute FA Battalions. Higher Commands: Seventh Army (Sicily), Fifth (Italy), U. S. First, British Second, Canadian First and U. S. Fifteenth (ETO). Awards: Distinguished Unit Citation, 325th Glider Infantry Regiment, for action 7-9 June, 1944; 504th Parachute Infantry, 1st Battalion (less Company A), for action 20-21 December, 1944; 504th Infantry, 3rd Battalion, for action 8-13 February, 1944; 505th Parachute Infantry, for action 6-9 June, 1944. . Combat Highlights: On July 10, 1943 invasion of Sicily began and for first time in U. S. military history complete Airborne Division, the 82nd, was used. This was the only operation in which 82nd operated complete with all its units. In invasion of Italy division left Sicily by air, Sept. 13, 1943, parachuting down behind our lines; troops were moved by truck to take part in defense of Altaville, then moved on to protect and extend Fifth Army’s east flank. On D-Day in France the 82nd moved to drop zones near St. Mere Eglise and Chef de Pont, captured three towns and forged across Merderet river. Six days later secured LeHam and covered beachhead. Division stayed in action 33 days, and then returned to England to reorganize. In September, 1944, both parachute and glider elements landed in Holland, keeping Germans from breaking through at Maas river. On Dec. 30, 1944, division moved to Stavelot, Belgium, to take part in fighting off Von Rundstedt’s counteroffensive.
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3rd Anniversary 508th Parachute Infantry – 20th October 1945 (PDF)
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325 Glider Infantry Regiment 82nd Airborne Division (PDF)
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82nd Airborne Operation Market Garden (PDF)
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Saga of the All American – 82d Airborne (PDF)
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82nd Airborne Signal Company; Berlin 1945 (PDF)
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The Devils in Baggy Pants – Combat Record of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PDF)
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82d Infantry Division – History of the 508th Parachute Infantry – 1977 Reprint (PDF)
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