34th Infantry Division
Nickname: Red Bull Division. . Shoulder Patch: A bovine skull, in red on an olla of black. An olla is a Mexican water flask, suggestive of training in New Mexico. . Slogan: “Attack, Attack, Attack!” . Source: North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota National Guard units. . History: Organized: Camp Cody, New Mexico, Oct. 17, 1917. Overseas: Sept.-Oct., 1918. . Training: Reactivated: Feb. 23, 1941, Camp Claiborne, La. Maneuvers: Louisiana, Sept., 1941. Overseas: May, 1942 (NATO). Overseas training: North Ireland, Scotland and Algiers. . Commanding Generals: Maj. Gen. Ellard A. Walsh, Feb. to Aug., 1941; Maj. Gen. Russell P. Hartle, Aug., 1941, to May, 1942; Maj. Gen. Charles W. Ryder, May, 1942, to July, 1944: Maj. Gen. Charles L. Bolte from July. 1944, to present. Component Units (As of Jan., 1942) 133rd, 135th and 168th Infantry Regiments; 125th, 151st, 175th (L) and 185th (M) FA Battalions. Higher commands: (Combat) East. Assault force (NA): British First Army, France XIX Corps; Fifth Army. . Awards: Distinguished Unit Citations: 1st Battalion, 168th Infantry Regiment, for action on Mount Pantano, Nov. – Dec., 1943: 2nd Battalion, 168th Infantry Regiment, for action, Jan. 6-13, 1944. . Combat Highlights: First American division to be sent to the ETO, the 34th entered combat near Algiers, Nov. 8, 1942. Although some of its units were pulled out to serve in the early Tunisian battles, the 34th launched its first offensive in Tunis toward Fondouk Gap, Mar., 1943. The 34th’s most brilliant victory in Tunisia was capture of Hill 609, May 1. The 34th landed at Salerno, Italy, Sept. 9, 1943, pushing ahead to cross the Volturno. By year’s end, the division rested after 76 days’ contact with the enemy. Early in January, 1944, the division was again attacking. The enemy pulled back into the Gustav Line, and by mid-February an exhausted division had achieved its objective Cassino. On Mar. 11 the 34th was ordered to prepare for the beachhead operation at Anzio and took much of the pounding on that sector until May. The 34th, with the 1st Armored, pursued the enemy north and northeast of Rome. Then came the crossing of the Cecina River, capture of many cities, including Leghorn, July 19, 1944. In Sept., 1944, the 34th was in the assault on the Nazi’s Gothic Line; in Oct. the 34th dug into defensive positions south of Bologna. In Feb., 1945, the drive on Bologna plains were under way. In April the Germans were in headlong retreat.
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History of the ‘Famous’ 34th Infantry Division Attack! Attack! Attack! (PDF)
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133rd Infantry Regiment – History 133rd Infantry (PDF)
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The Story of the 34th Infantry Division Louisiana to Pisa; Part I (PDF)
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34th Infantry Division Book II Pisa to Final Victory (PDF)
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